Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Free Trade In Society Essay

How does the society benefit from an economy built on free trade where both the labor and the buyer only seek personal gain?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On an economy that is built of free trade, society will run like clockwork because of the various incentives that the various sectors of the economy provide.   It is human nature for individual to act upon incentives.   Children are commonly disciplined by their parents with the use of incentives. It is the same in the case of the laborer and the buyer.   Both of them seek only personal gain.   It is highly uncommon that either buyer or laborer will act for the greater good of the nation or for world peace.   They work because they want to earn a living.   They want a nicer car, a bigger home, a good education for their children, and a trip abroad for the summer perhaps.   All their efforts are targeted to their personal goals, all of which is quantifiable in terms of money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The laborer will always look for a place where there is a higher monetary yield for a lesser amount of work.   He will work harder if he knows that there is a promotion ahead. The buyer, on the other hand, will always search for a good bargain for any of his purchases.   All in all, everyone wants more for their money and time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Society benefits from this system because it creates more competition in the markets of both buyers and laborers, resulting in more options and better options for both sectors.   With this equilibrium, society benefits because the economy benefits, thus increasing the standard of living. If however, there is an oversupply of labor, wages will go down and unemployment will go up, distorting the balance.   This is the same for buyers. A lack in competition will increase prices and decrease their purchasing power.   It is therefore necessary to maintain a good equilibrium in both labor markets and buyer markets which will result in a better economy, and which will eventually result in a higher standard of living for society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chitral Vocational Training Case Study Essay


Monday, July 29, 2019

Liberation theology is decidedly Christian however, Buddhism, Islam, Essay

Liberation theology is decidedly Christian however, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism each have traditions of protecting the poor as - Essay Example It is established that practicing religious beliefs plays a big role in defending the underprivileged in society (Jones, 5002-6184). The religious groups believe that it is important to offer assistance to the poor; the difference is the methods of assisting them. The liberation theology is entirely believed by Christians, however, religious groups such as Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism have their own believe and traditions of assisting the poor as part of their religious practices. The teachings in these world religions about protecting the underprivileged individuals in the society have been researched aptly. Buddhism Buddhism is a religion that has cosmic and rich coherent traditions that protect and defend the poor. It has various set of teachings that guide believers on how to conduct themselves. The main teachings of religion is that people on earth should purify their minds and show love, empathy to others, especially the underprivileged. A Buddhist is an individual who is spiri tually driven to become a servant to others irrespective of the social class he/she is in, and ought to act for the benefit of other individuals in society. This is one the religion that upholds ethical values and emphasizes on implementing them when relating with other individuals in society. Compassion and loving-kindness are the core values that Buddhist should have; hence, promotes the practice of defending and protecting the poor. Life is important is an important and is highly valued, thus, believers of religion should ensure that they protect the lives of others. No person should be left die because of hunger and poverty or suffer because he/she cannot feed himself and family (Jones, 5002-6184). Being discipline is also significant, and humbleness is highly ranked, and for this reason the rich and wealthy in the society ought to degrade themselves and socialize with poor. Many opportunities will come up when individuals practice good morals and have a heart for the poor. Budd hism also teaches about love, which is a significant value a person can have. Love will make a person to protect and defend the poor in the community by providing basics needs and offering free services to them. Buddhism teachings comprises of 4 noble truths, the eightfold path and the precepts that teaches the society to defend and protect the poor. Christianity Christianity teachings on the subject require their believers to show love to the underprivileged neighbors by performing action of faith. For a Christian to have faith, it should be accompanied by actions (Jones, 5002-6184). Therefore, a person has cannot say that he/she has faith in God without assisting the poor. For instance, the religion requires their followers to provide food, clothing, and shelter to their poor neighbors. They should preach the word of God to them and lift their spirits that God loves them and wants them to be happy. Many Christian’s organizations have come up variety of projects that create employment to the people in the society. The projects employ such individuals, hence making them responsible and independent. According to the biblical prophet, a nation should consider as righteous or integrity, for it be judged by how it treats the poorest and most vulnerable. Christianity believes that the way in which we respond to the poor in society is how Christians respond Jesus; hence, the believers are encouraged to treat the poor for them to be recognized by Jesus (Jones, 5002-6184

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Arab Gulf States Domestic Stability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Arab Gulf States Domestic Stability - Essay Example The above quote, while lengthy, is pertinent to the focus of this study. It very accurately explains the degree to which the security and political structure of the Arabian Gulf is changing and draws attention to the potential for further change. The Gulf states, as indicated, are living a volatile period wherein changes tend towards the revolutionary, as opposed to the evolutionary. If anything, this highlights the vulnerabilities to which these states are currently exposed and underscores the imperatives of adopting measures which are designed to minimize the threats emanating from these vulnerabilities or, at least, manage their potential for inducing domestic stability within Gulf states and across the Gulf regime. Instability within the Arabian Gulf has far-reaching consequences. ... Besides oil, the Gulf region also has sizeable reserves (2,509 trillion cubic feet - Tcf) of natural gas, accounting for 41 percent of total proven world gas reserves".4 Ensuring the free and stable flow of the oil from the region to the world at large is the primary goal of the western states. Instability in the region or the collapse of any of the Gulf regimes would detrimentally impact upon the global economy and the consequences would not, under any circumstances, be confined to the region. Instead, western economies would totter on the brink of disaster and governments would flounder. The security of the Gulf, therefore, is of primary concern to Western nations and, indeed, as former U.S. President Jimmy Carter once said, is integral to the national security of Western nations, chief amongst which is the United States.5 For the Gulf states, however, having a healthy relationship without any mistrust among regional states, is the primary objective. Mistrust "Trust means to believe that someone is honest and will not harm you, cheat you etc."6 Unfortunately, however, mistrust was injected into the relationship between the Arab Gulf States members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)7 and Iran, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The said mistrust significantly increased in the wake of the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. While the majority of GCC member states stood with Iraq against Iran in that war, it is believed that this stance contributed to the generation of mistrust between both sides until today. The aforementioned, alongside Iran's historic regional ambitions, combined with the improvement in the relationship between the Arabs and the West, especially the United States of America, only compounded the mistrust. The fact that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Strategy of Tesco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Strategy of Tesco - Case Study Example From its humble beginnings, Tesco Plc has gained the reputation of being the largest British retailer in terms of global and local shares. It is estimated that in every 8 UK retail sales, 1 is spent on Tesco (Tesco Plc 2007). Recognizing the growth opportunities in the virtual marketplace, the giant retailer has decided to establish online presence during 1994. Three years after, Tesco has started an online shopping which it named Tesco Direct (Tesco Plc 2007). Since then, Tesco has started offering grocery and food items in its virtual store, On August 2006, the company announced the offering of non-food items in its online store under the name Tesco Direct. This marketing strategy has proved to be very efficient and profitable for the retailing giant. During the fiscal year 2006, the company announced a total annual turnover of 33.974 billion and reported a pre-tax profit of 1.962 billion. Out of this, 1.2 billion is shared by in terms of total revenue and 83 million in terms of profit. Even though the share of is meagre compared to total turnover and profit generated by Tesco Plc, its growth has been remarkable. The fiscal year 2006 reports online sales double-digit growth of 29.2% while profits soar by 49.5% (Tesco Plc Annual Report 2006). Compared to its rivals in the UK retail industry, captures a higher market share at 65%. Walmart-owned Asda chain lags behind with 16% while Sainsbury corners 14% (Best 2006). Its success has also been documented as it has been named the only retailer which has been able to make online shopping profitable (Walker 2006). On Crossroads: Evaluating Local and Global Opportunities The recent trends and developments in the global market stress the huge emerging opportunities in online retailing. In the UK alone, there has been a sharp rise in the number of people who are "cash rich but time poor" which triggers the higher demand for online shopping (Muncaster 2006). According to the National Statistics Office, the online market is still in the growth stage as only about 20% of adults in UK source food products from the internet (Best 2006). This improvement heats up competition in the local market as industry players battles for market share by launching aggressive strategies and enhancing the overall customer shopping experience. As a global player, Tesco Plc also eyes geographical expansion of its online shopping service by the identification of the profitable markets. In the global economy, it should be noted that internet usage has skyrocketed by 208.7% during the interval of 2000 to 2007 (Internet Usage Statistics 20007). Growth has been very significant in the highly developing Asian and Latin American countries including China, India, and Brazil. It is expected that the wide acceptance and popularity of the internet technologies in this country together with the sharp increase in disposable incomes in these regions will attract global retailers. Faced with these opportunities and challenges in the local and global market, Tesco Plc chooses the strategic direction

Friday, July 26, 2019

Journalistic Contributions of Horace Greeley Essay

Journalistic Contributions of Horace Greeley - Essay Example Greeley's editorial and journalistic talent coupled with his political activity (he actively supported the Whig party) contributed to the success of the edition. In 1940 Horace Greeley became the head of the campaign weekly, the Log Cabin and contributed to William Henry Harrison's victory in presidential elections. Only having got the experience, increasing authority and a large audience, Horace Greeley founded the newspaper that became the most read edition in the southern states, the New York Tribune. It covered such fields as politics, social reforms and news. Via this newspaper Horace Greeley spread the communitarian ideas of Fourier, defended homestead principle of distributing free government land to settlers and other agrarian reforms and attacked the exploitation of wage labour. Sympathizing to settlers Greeley advised to "Go West, young man" (notwithstanding the fact that this phrase was initially written by John Soul in the Terre Haute Express in 1851, it is usually attributed to Greeley). Being sincere in his political views Horace Greeley founded a real tribune from which he could propagate his political ideas and convictions. In a shot period of time the daily circulation of the newspaper grew up to ten thousand in 1841 and to 300 thousand in 1861 (one should take into account that a newspaper was often read by a dozen of readers at the time). The historian Allan Nevins explains the enormous success of The Tribune: "The Tribune set a new standard in American journalism by its combination of energy in news gathering with good taste, high moral standards, and intellectual appeal. Police reports, scandals, dubious medical advertisements, and flippant personalities were barred from its pages; the editorials were vigorous but usually temperate; the political news was the most exact in the city; book reviews and book-extracts were numerous; and as an inveterate lecturer Greeley gave generous space to lectures. The paper appealed to substantial and thoughtful people." He continued to oppose the exploitation of wage labour, criticized monopolies and advocated the abolition of capital punishment. The articles and editorials Greeley wrote reflected the strategies of political flows he supported. In general all his professional activity was extremely influenced by his background and his current political views. And this sincere and strong belief in the right of his ideas made his journalistic style sharp, open and pathetic. His editorials were often reprinted by smaller newspapers. Opposing slavery, Horace Greeley was interested in feminist and socialist ideas as well. He maintained contact with Karl Marx, who being in London wrote the articles for the Tribune. Greeley called him "an instructive source of information". Having joined the Radical Party, Greeley supported Lincoln. When the war he took the Radical Republican position and criticized Lincoln's hesitating political course, his incapability to make the slavery the principal issue of the war, digression of the main political course in favour of moral principles. On 19th August, 1862 Greeley wrote an open letter to the president, and published it in the Tribune. In this famous and bold letter Greeley expressed a strong disappointment in

What is Hegel's critique of Kant in Reason as Testing Laws Is Hegel Essay

What is Hegel's critique of Kant in Reason as Testing Laws Is Hegel fair to Kant - Essay Example For Kant the categorical imperative is important mainly because it "determines the will independently of the sensuous motives of which ordinary moral deliberation is suspect."2 Therefore for him there is a marked difference between acting honestly for ones own sake and acting honestly with the belief that truth is a "universal requirement" the latter of which relates to categorical imperative.3 For Kant duty requires more than the universal form of action and he brings out these ideas and notions of the categorical imperative which Kant claims are "merely so many formulations of precisely the same law."Also for him the categorical imperative contains an end which functions as the single limiting condition of moral action. 4 Thus in his book the Formula of the End, Kant says "Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end" Kant goes on to clarify further that if humans are to be treated as "ends in themselves" then each individual should be allowed to choose their own ends at the same time. Furthermore he claims that misleading someone (by lying to them) for a particular Design is the way of using that other person as means rather than an end. Therefore the assertion not to treat humanity as a means but an end, i.e. when they choose to help you themselves. Hegel's criticism of Kant Hegel has made some interesting criticisms of the emptiness that seems to surround the Categorical Imperative when he says that "The criterion of law which Reason possesses within itself, fits every case equally well, and is thus in fact no criterion at all."5 However in the... What is Hegel's critique of Kant in "Reason as Testing Laws† Is Hegel fair to Kant? For Hegel this idea is fruitless in many respects as he thinks that even immoral behaviour would qualify under the test given by Kant' and that there no formulation of a universal set of duties .Thus Hegel's criticism of Kant largely concerns Kant's so called formalism as has been discussed by Julian. Before discussing Hegel's critique of Kant it would be useful to explain the ideas of Kant who expresses interest in the relationship between reason and experience. For Kant knowledge begins with experience in a rather chronological sense. For Kant empirical knowledge should be a "compound of that which we receive through impressions and that which our faculty of cognition supplies from itself". And that reason should become the tool that isolates knowledge from everything empirical from it. Julian has pointed out that Hegel believes that Kant’s idea of a duty does not produce an â€Å"immanent list of duties;†. To be fair this is not one of Kant's objectives at all and it can be safely said that Hegel is missing the point of Kant’s claim, because devising such a list is not possible at all due to people’s differing notions of what morality or duties should be like.In this regard I would like to give the example of local conventions in certain areas. The notion of hospitality in Asian countries allows anyone to be welcome in another’s house and there is hardly any concept of â€Å"unauthorized entrance† as in the case of western countries.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The First, Second, Third Punic Wars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The First, Second, Third Punic Wars - Essay Example The outcome of the wars established the enduring legacy of the Roman Empire as one of the greatest in the whole of history. The influence of the Punic Wars on Western Civilization The Punic Wars were important also for their influence on subsequent diplomatic and military strategies. Many theories pertaining to political and military strategy were conceived and codified during these three wars. These theories continued to be perused by later generations of leaders. The Punic Wars were also important for their impact on cultural and philosophical development in Europe. Since the Western Mediterranean region was such a cultural and intellectual melting pot, gaining control of it conferred prestige on the Roman Empire. The leaders of the Empire would in turn encourage the growth of arts and culture. It is no coincidence that the rise of the Roman Empire through victories in the Punic Wars happened during the Hellenistic era. It is as if the explosion of art, literature, philosophy, thea tre, architecture, music and science in Hellenistic Greece is a response to the ascendency of the Roman Empire through the Punic Wars. First Punic War: Winner, Loser, Gains and Losses At the beginning of the First Punic War, Rome only possessed a modest navy. On the other hand, Carthage held the most competent and experienced navy in the region. Since Rome can access Sicily only through its navy, Carthage was able to quell its initial forays. Though set back by these early defeats, the Roman military strategists rose to the occasion and started building a substantial fleet of ships to neutralize Carthaginian naval power. This enterprise proved to be a success and eventually Sicily and other contested territories was conceded by Carthage to Rome. The outcome of the First Punic War established Rome as a considerable imperial power in the Mediterranean region. As part of the reparations, Rome acquired a fair share of Carthage’s wealth, so much so that an indignant Carthaginian l eadership would carry its scars into the future. These hurt pride and perceived injustice would be the backdrop for further conflicts between the two empires. Rome and Carthage made several trade pacts after the war and they even agreed to an alliance to suppress King Pyrrhus of Epirus. As part of the war indemnity, Carthage was asked to release thousands of Roman prisoners of war. Large amounts of silver were also included as reparation. But Carthage’s economy and military were so devastated by the war that it was unable to fulfil its post-war pacts. This led to resentment from Rome and made further wars inevitable. Second Punic War: Winner, Loser, Gains and Losses The Second Punic War followed a similar pattern to that of the first. Although Carthage under the imaginative command of Hannibal made impressive forays into Roman held territory, the superior organization and adaptability of Roman forces eventually proved decisive. Hannibal’s crossing of Alps with an Eleph ant-ridden battalion was an impressive feat. Hannibal was able to dominate the country outside Rome on the back of his superior infantry. But the crucial fortress of Rome the city was never to be breached. Acting against Hannibal’s progress was the resolute support Rome received from its allies. Hence Carthage was once again defeated by the superior diplomacy, combat tactics and foresight of Roman leadership. But unlike the First Punic Wa

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Use of coconut oil as a renewable resource in 2050 Term Paper

Use of coconut oil as a renewable resource in 2050 - Term Paper Example There are different kinds of coconut oil, such as coconut oil from wet coconut and coconut oil from dry coconut. The technology, which is used to produce coconut oil, is well developed and medium scale industries use this type of technology. In daily human life, coconut oil is very important. Human beings can use this oil for their skin to reduce the dryness of the skin. As a renewable resource, the demand of coconut oil cannot be undermined, rather it needs to be proliferated in order to ascertain that the future generation can leverage the benefits of using various products that require the extensive use of oil to run. In the historical parlance, human beings used coconut oil and the coconuts as foods for thousands of years. Coconut oil is produced by the crushing copra that can be determined as the dried kernel, which consists of about 60 to 65% of oil. This oil has the natural sweetened taste of coconut and encompasses 92% of soaked fatty acids (Krishna & et. al., 2010). A majority of them are lower chains soaked acid, which is known as medium chain fatty acids. Everyone can use coconut oil as an important psychologically efficient food for diet (Schardt, 2012). It is thus defined as an essential food that provides health benefit and the basic nutrients. Coconut oil is one of the most easily digestible oils and can observe the fats. It will neither increase nor decrease the cholesterol level. In comparison with all other oil seeds, coconut oil has the highest productivity as well as consistency in production. Diverse kinds of coconut oil are also available, such as coconut oil from dry coconut, virgin coconut oil from wet coconut and coconut oil by solvent extraction method that is called refined oil (Krishna & et. al., 2010). The technology, which is used for production of coconut oil through mechanical method, is well developed while many medium scale industries use this method or technology to produce the coconut oil. Nevertheless, small- scale

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Budget Preparation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Budget Preparation - Essay Example Often for a commercial organization which is both a manufacturer and seller budgets envelope all activities and in the discussions taken up in this paper only such organizations would be cited. Due to their important lighthouse role to the business ships targeting to shore a decent profit mechanics of preparing various categories of budgets and their importance for decision making managers assumes importance. This paper covers these two aspects primarily, taking adequate precaution to explain in detail, encourse, the important categories of budgets. Budgets are drawn to assist in clarifying and attaining business objectives. These objectives can be varied but can be commonly listed as minimizing costs/controlling expenditures, increasing revenues, gaining a higher market share, improving spread/margins (through increased sales), etc. Therefore, a statement of identified objectives becomes important at the commencement of budgeting. Once these objectives have been set then the rest of the budget can fan out after a series of logical coordination. Subsequent to the statement of identified business objectives and determination of the budget period (say 1 week, 1 fortnight, 1 month, 1 year, etc), additional information need to be gathered in order to compile the budget. This information generally includes past and current performance data procured from profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and previous cash flow forecasts of the organization. In case of a new business peer studies can be important guide posts. To help new concer ns, good amount of classified data is published by various industry associations. Irrespective of the context this information can then be used to identify probable sales in number of units and associated costs in the future. One approach to budgeting is to compile from scratch ignoring all previous historical data and current performance: this is termed as zero-based budgeting which can be risk prone and should be taken up by those who have very realistic estimates of strengths of their concern vis a' vis market demands. It is commonly observed that during the preparation of budgets certain figures are easier to state with confidence than others. For instance, costs fall in former category while predicting sales falls in the latter category. The obvious reason for this is the fact that sales are affected by several probable factors (e.g. increase or decrease in demand, level of competition, changes in consumption pattern,technology,fashions,fads etc);while costs are technically sta ted and determined by suppliers/government policies and remain relatively stable.However,these are to be stated preferably on some historical and comparable base. This paper would exhibit subsequently important functional budgets that follow from statement of sales and cost objectives; however two important points need emphasis in respect to the process of budgeting-one, ideally the budgeting should be grass root

Monday, July 22, 2019

Discuss Dickens portrayal Essay Example for Free

Discuss Dickens portrayal Essay Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations in 1860. He wrote it about attitudes in Victorian England, towards children especially. Children were highly disciplined, and the main character in Great Expectations, Pip, was a typical example of a child of this time. Society in England at this time was built into two main classes- upper and lower. The middle class society, that is most common today, was just beginning to break through. Pip and his family, consisting of his sister, Mrs Joe Gargery, and her husband, Mr Joe Gargery, were a typical lower class family. They had a very normal lifestyle, with little or no education, a small house, with very little money, and a simple life. Great Expectations was set in Southern England, in the marsh country, within, as the river wound, twenty miles from the sea. From this sentence, you can begin to build up a picture of Pips surroundings. Dickens uses harsh adjectives, such as bleak, dismal, dark and savage to describe Pips world. By doing this, we get a real picture of how Pip lives. In a way, Dickens uses the environment around Pip, and compares it to Pips life. This brings me onto my next point. Pip must have had a very lonely childhood. His mother, father, and five brothers all died, and his sister, Mrs Joe, has unwillingly bought him up. She makes it blatantly obvious she doesnt want him throughout his life, by making certain comments. I may truly say Ive never had this apron of mine off me, since born you were. Its bas enough to be a blacksmiths wife (and him being a Gargery) without being your mother. Pips only friend is Biddy, and he also has a strong bond with Mr. Joe. Both him and Mr Joe are fellow sufferers of Mrs. Joes strict ways, and this brings them closer together. They can confide in each other, and Joe is like Pips mentor. Ever the best of friends, ant us, Pip? Despite Mrs. Joes image of being harsh, a very, very independent, it is obvious she could not live without Mr. Joe, because, as with all households at this time, he is the breadwinner and as she does not work, she could not survive without him. Pip is a very innocent, nai ve young boy. He does not understand things that happen in his life, he simply accepts them. Why Mrs Joe uses the tickler on him, he does not know. When the reader gets to the part about the convict and the hulks, he doesnt know why people are locked up, and cannot see the bad side of people. He fears Mrs.Joe, but he knows without her he would be dead, and she makes a point of telling him this. If it warnt for me youd have been to the churchyard long ago, and stayed there. When Pip meets the convict, he is understandably terrified. He immediately intimidates Pip, but although Pip is scared, he still treats him with respect, and calls him sir. The convict threatens Pip, but still Pip is polite. If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps I shouldnt be sick, and perhaps I could attend more. This gives the reader the impression that Pip is very polite, and respectful to everyone, and he hides his feelings. For example, on Christmas day, when Mr Wopsle and uncle Pumblechook are saying how ungrateful he is, he does not retaliate and simply bites his tongue, because he does not want to be disrespectful to his elders. I think that this is the way Dickens wanted to portray Pip, so we would believe what Pip is saying, and see him as being innocent, and not really capable of lying to us. Pip and the convict can be seen as fairly similar, in a strange way. Once the convict learns of Pips background he begins to feel sorry for him, and I think that Pip feels sorry for the convict, because of his situation. It is also obvious that the convict trusts Pip, because he sends him for food, even when he knows Pip could easily tell on him, and he could get recaptured and sent back to the prison ship. Pip doesnt tell on him, however, and returns with food. When the convict is finally recaptured, he makes up a story about breaking into the forge, and stealing the food, and he does not say Pip stole the food for him. Although the meetings between the two were short, they developed an understanding, and trusted each other. The way Dickens portrays the convict and Pips friendship gives us an idea as to how trusting Pip is, and his kind nature and personality. Something clicked in his throat, , as if he had works in him like a clock, and was going to strike. Then he smeared his ragged rough sleeve over his eyes. The something that I had noticed before, clicked in the mans throat again, and he turned his back. I think this click Pip refers is the convict having a lump in his throat, and showing emotion, and the click is him swallowing this lump. This shows that although the convict could be dangerous, he has emotions, and Pip can tap into this emotion. As the novel develops, Miss Haversham and Estella are introduced. Mrs. Joe is very pleased when Pip is given the chance to go to Miss Havershams house and play. She believes it will give him the chance to become a gentleman and make something of his life. If this boy ant grateful this night, he never will be! Pip goes off to Miss Havershams, and although the house in which she lives in decrepit, and in a very bad state, he is very impressed because it is so large, and unlike what he is used to. He is continually polite, even when Estella is rude to him. He calls the knaves, Jacks, this boy! Said Estella with disdain, before our first game was out. And what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots! She patronises him, and it dents Pips confidence, and he begins to feel he is not good enough for anything. This makes him insecure, and he wants to go home. Dickens makes the reader see his insecurity by saying Her contempt was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it. This makes the reader see that before the meeting, Pip is fairly content with himself, and his life, be it a lonely one, but after Estellas comments he realises he is not as good as her, and he probably will never make anything of his life. When he realises this, you can gradually see his ambitions growing, and whereas before he was perfectly happy to become Joes apprentice, he knows he wont be happy, and wants to become someone who is respected. To sum all of this up, Pip is disciplined, and fearful of certain things. He can be intimated easily, but is still respectful. He has ambitions, and plans to make something of his life, but he is also insecure about his background, and whether he has the strength of character to pull himself out of the lower class society. He is very innocent, and gets bewildered easily. Dickens shows all of this by making Pip seem a lonely young boy, with no real family or friends, and he uses imagery to portray this. We watch Pip grow up, and learn about life, and try to make sense of things that are happening around him. Dickens makes the reader feel sorry for Pip, and lets us see we can trust Pip, because he himself trusts everyone and does not doubt anyone. We can read this book and see life through a nai ve young boys eyes, and feel we are being told the absolute truth. This is the power of Dickens writing- we believe the protagonist, and feel it would wrong not to believe him.

Strategic Moves to Company Success

Strategic Moves to Company Success Introduction E-commerce had brought much change in way business. It is enabled businesses to connect with each other in new way of thinking in every area on commerce. The turnover from usual business to e-commerce has anticipated exceeding far then expected by spectator. Many companies nowadays using e-commerce had been successfully gained more profit in their business such as, e-Bay and These companies have their own features that show them as the highly rated successful companies. Most of these companies also have good strategies in planning their business that enables them to success. The Successful Companies through E-Commerce Amazon and E-bay is among company which allowed transaction electronically. There are the precursor in e-commerce that successfully success until today. Nowadays there are 5 most successful company using e-commerce, Amazon, Dell, Staples, Office Depot and Hewlett Packard. (1994) is one of the most famous e-commerce companies and founded by Jeff Bezos. Today, Amazon offers everything from books and electronics to tennis rackets and diamond jewelry. According to the research conducted, attracted about over 615 million customers every year. The ability of online friendly website by Amazon is one of the key of success for this company. Another company that been successfully in e-commerce is Dell Inc. has made rapid strides, the company has achieved big profit in online sales. The companys effective strategy of selling products without retail has been admired by customers and many e-commerce dealers imitate their strategy. As same as Amazon, Dell success key factor is online friendly website. Most of successful companies achieve success by having their own characteristics and features that led them. Effective strategies also the key factor the companys success achievement. Features of Successful E-Commerce Company Many companies use e-commerce as one of the ways to gain profit. For each successful company, they have various features that help them in e-commerce business. The first feature is a clear vision and goal. The company must know exactly what they want to achieve in this business. Second feature is dare taking calculated risk. The key to success is daring to take necessary risk and considered investment as fuel of business in e-commerce. Next is, successful sites employ good advisors. By having advisor that can be trusted is essential. It is because company only can gain if having panels of experts that can advise in regulating strategy, tactic and expand the business. Another feature is successful sites can embrace technology and change. Keeping abreast of developments online is the key in online marketing, change in online way and understand way to read web analysis. The fifth feature is patience and a long-term view. The company constantly measure if they are gradually getting to their goal. More features are a commitment to and continuous improvement. The success company knew what they should do and always make improvement. Lastly is, success company must believe that there is no short cuts to make profit. There is some e-business people want to gain million of profit but hoping it come by doing nothing. Success company knew that is wrong. By keep focusing, hard work, constant improvement and commitment there are the real way to success in e-commerce business. Strategic Moves That Led Companies to Success? Fine method and strategy can lead companies to success. They are several ways that has been listed as strategic moves to led companies to success. First is Well-Positioned Online Brand. The companies must choose the market able brand name for their website. A brand name will draw customers to the companys website and can help assure customers about the quality of the offering, the accuracy of the information, can promote customer loyalty and the security of the web transactions. Second, Online-Friendly Offerings. It is about the selection and diversity of the company product. The companies must decide what products to offer on the website. Another diversity is offering customers the ability to obtain unique product or information. The diversity are important because it allows customers to control the product choices and at the same time it can built customers loyalty. The third move is Reliable Customers Service. It is to inspiring loyalty among customers. For the company to success the customer must trust the company and its website. Trust can be built through assurance of privacy and transaction security and by providing accurate information. As examples, many people purchase at rather than other website because it can be trusted by customers. Lastly, Right Business Planning.It is to acquire funding, nonfinancial resources and to obtain a realistic approach to the business. Important Elements in Implementing the Strategy There are many elements that guide E-Commerce strategies to success. It is such as is to consider full integration, partial corporate integration, and business unit integration all has positive aspects as strategies for e-commerce and are viable choices. Another element is companies must carefully coordinate new online services to enhance and protect their brand. Next is, in implementing and formulating e-commerce strategy throughout company operations, it must include Multi-channel coordination as the key success factor. More elements are successful e-commerce strategy must include special attention to customer service as it is core component of company strategy. A proper balance the use of commoditized solutions and unique uses of e-commerce can help company utilize effectiveness. It is to gain competitive advantage in strategy. Conclusion As conclusion, e-commerce business helps a lot dealer to expand their business. Profit achieved continuing growing for companies those involve in this electronic transaction business. It as we can see in achievement, E-bay and More proud, now found many traders begin using e-commerce as one of the ways promotes their goods. Most successful companies in e-commerce have steady features that been a key to their success. This including the strategy that been used such as good business plan, online friendly website, reliable customers services, commitment in managing business, make improvement in services. With the right strategies, many dealers can easily gain more profit and expand their business around the world.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Swot Analysis And Its Importance In Developing Marketing Essay

Swot Analysis And Its Importance In Developing Marketing Essay Faced with a constantly changing environment, each business unit needs to develop a marketing information system (MkIS) that is capable of tracking trends and developments within the marketplace. Each trend or development can then be categorized as an opportunity or a threat, and an assessment made of the feasibility and action needed if the organization is either to capitalize upon the opportunity or minimize the impact of the threat. Although SWOT analysis is one of the best-known and most frequently used tools within the strategic planning process, the quality of the outputs often suffer because of the relatively superficial manner in which it is conducted. There are several ways in which SWOT analyses can be made more rigorous, and therefore more strategically useful. STRENGTHS: Areas of (distinctive) competence that: Must always be looked at relative to the competition If managed properly, is the basis for competitive advantage Derive from the marketing asset base WEAKNESSES: Areas of relative disadvantage that: Indicate priorities for marketing improvement Highlight the areas and strategies that the planner should avoid THREATS: Trends within the environment with potentially negative impacts that: Increase the risks of a strategy Hinder the implementation of strategy Increase the resources required Reduce performance expectations OPPORTUNITIES: Environmental trends with positive outcomes that offer scope for higher levels of performance if pursued effectively: Highlight new areas for competitive advantage 2) SWOT ANALYSIS IS THEREFORE DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE TWO PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES: 1) To separate meaningful data from that which is merely interesting 2) To discover what management must do to exploit its distinctive competencies within each of the market segments both now and in the longer term. However, in examining opportunities and threats, the reader needs to recognize that they can never be viewed as absolutes. What might appear at first sight to be an opportunity may not be so when examined against the organizations resources, its culture, the expectations of its stakeholders, the strategies available, or the feasibility of implementing the strategy. At the risk of oversimplification, however, the purpose of strategy formulation is to develop a strategy which will take advantage of the opportunities and overcome or circumvent the threats. For our purposes, an opportunity can be seen as any sector of the market in which the company would enjoy a competitive advantage. These opportunities can then be assessed according to their attractiveness and the organizations probability of success in this area; The probability of success is influenced by several factors, but most obviously by the extent to which the organizations strengths, and in particular its distinctive competences, match the key success requirements for operating effectively in the target market and exceed those of its competitors. Competence by itself is rarely sufficient in anything more than the short term since, given time, competitive forces will erode this competence. 2.1) IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Our primary concern within this stage is with the ways in which organizations can most clearly identify their current position and the nature of their marketing capability. It is against the background of the picture that emerges from this analysis that the marketing planner should then be in a far better position to begin the process of deciding upon the detail of the organizations future direction and the ways in which strategy is to be formulated. The starting point in this process of strategic and marketing analysis involves a detailed marketing audit and review of marketing effectiveness. Together, the two techniques are designed to provide the strategist with a clear understanding of: à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The organizations current market position à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The nature of environmental opportunities and threats à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The organizations ability to cope with the demands of this environment. The results of this analysis are then incorporated in a statement of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), and subsequently a measure of capability. Although in many markets it is often a relatively simple process to identify a whole series of environmental opportunities, few organizations have the ability or the competences needed to capitalize upon more than a small number of these. Each business needs therefore to evaluate on a regular basis its strengths and weaknesses. Each factor is rated by management or an outside consultant according to whether it is a fundamental strength, a marginal strength, a neutral factor, a marginal weakness, or a fundamental weakness. By linking these ratings, a general picture of the organizations principal strengths and weaknesses emerges. Of course, not all of these factors are of equal importance either in an absolute sense or when it comes to succeeding with a specific business opportunity. Because of this, each factor should also be given a rating (high, medium or low) either for the business as a whole or for a particular marketing opportunity. Combining performance and importance levels in this way injects a greater sense of perspective to the analysis and leads to four possibilities emerging; in the form of a performance-importance matrix. Another way of looking at issues of performance and importance involves focusing specifically upon the organizations performance relative to the competition. On the basis of this sort of analysis it should be apparent that, even when a business has a major strength in a particular area, this strength does not invariably translate into a competitive advantage. There are several possible explanations for this, the two most prominent of which are that it may not be a competence that is of any real importance to customers, or that it is an area in which competitors are at least equally strong. It follows from this that, in order to benefit from the strength, it must be relatively greater than that of the competitor. Having identified the organizations weaknesses, the strategist needs to return to consider again the relative importance of these weaknesses. There is often little to be gained from overcoming all of the organizations weaknesses, since some are unimportant and the amount of effort needed to convert them to a strength would quite simply not be repaid. Equally, some strength is of little real strategic value and to use them in anything other than a peripheral way is likely to prove of little real value. Recognizing this, the marketing planner should focus upon those areas of opportunity in which the firm currently has major strengths or where, because of the size of the opportunity and the potential returns, it is likely to prove cost-effective in acquiring or developing new areas of strength. In order to make better use of the SWOT framework, Mr. Piercy proposes five guidelines: 1) Focus the SWOT upon a particular issue or element, such as a specific product market, a customer segment, a competitor, or the individual elements of the marketing mix. 2) Use the SWOT analysis as a mechanism for developing a shared vision for planning. This can be done by pooling ideas from a number of sources and achieving a team consensus about the future and the important issues. 3) The kind of corporate-level strategy pursued by the company 4) Business level strategy of the company and its nature. 5) Company Strategy and its control and structure for achieving that strategy 2.2)  [1]  SWOT ANALYSIS AND MACRO ENVIRONMENT FOR DECISION MAKERS Many changes from the macro environment have the potential to cripple even the best of strategies and must therefore be watched. Managers should note any changes in the environmental factors as conducive to innovation. Potential changes in exchange rates, especially unanticipated large ones, central bank policies that raise interest rates, and taxation laws, along with demographic and socio political changes, all have the potential to impact firm strategies. Managers should examine them carefully for potential threats and opportunities. In particular, they should examine the potential impact of changes in tax policies concerning the Internet. This analysis of a firms current performance, appraisal of its business model, appraisal of its competitors business models, analysis of industry attractiveness, assessment of its macro environment, projection of the evolution of the Internet, and a forecast of its environmental changes is sometimes called a strengths and weaknesses, opportuniti es, and threats (SWOT) analysis. After an analysis of where the firm is now, a manager may also decide not to pursue profits as previously planned but to hone the firms capabilities to fit another firms portfolio of capabilities so that it can be acquired by the other firm. On the other hand, a firm whose exit strategy had been to be acquired, with no intention of ever making profits, may decide that it now wants to become profitable after all. In all these cases, a firm has decided to move into new areas. It is now intent on doing certain things that it had not done before. If moving into these new areas requires entirely new capabilities, the objective to do so is sometimes referred to as a firms strategic intent. WAL-MART 3) COMPANY HISTORY AND ITS FOUNDERVISION 2Samuel Moore Walton, the billionaire boy scout of Bentonville, Arkansas, built an empire on a fervid belief in value, pioneered by ideas like empowerment, and revolutionized retailing in the process. Dead at 74 after a long fight with cancer, he did not invent the discount department store, although it hardly seems possible that he didnt. He grabbed hold of the leading edge of retailing in 1962 and never let go, creating a value-powered merchandising machine that seems certain to outlive his memory.. In 1994, the still-young company earned $2.3 billion on sales of $67 billion. A $1,650 investment in 100 Wal-Mart shares in 1970, when they began trading, is worth $3 million today. He taught American business that the vast amount of American people want value. He saw the future, and he helped make the future. According to a retail executive, while Walton was one of the great showmen of retailing, if he had been a television preacher hed have become Pope. As a manager he applied such concepts as a flat organization, empowerment, and gain-sharing long before any one gave them those names. In the 1950s, he shared information and profits with all employees. He ingested as much data as he could to get close to the customer and closer to the competition. He stressed flexibility and action over deliberation. Wal-Mart is ultimately a monument to consumers: it has saved them billions. Sam Walton truly believed that nothing happens until a customer walks into a store with a purpose, buys some thing, and walks out. His philosophy was simple: satisfy the customer. Operating nearly 2,000 stores in 47 states, Wal-Mart remains the leader in the discount store industry. In addition, with over 400 Sams Clubs, Wal-Mart is a major factor in the Warehouse Club industry. Combining general merchandise and groceries, Supercenters represent the companys fastest growing segment, with 65 to 70 stores planned in fiscal 1995 on a base of 68. Walton long ago wanted manufacturers to see themselves, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers as parts of a single customer-focused process rather than as participants in a series of transactions. He personally and permanently altered the relationship between manufacturers and retailers, which has historically been, to put it politely, antagonistic. About five years ago he asked Procter Gamble executives to view a focus group of Wal-Mart executives talking about their prickly relationship with the packaged-goods company. It was sobering. His strategy clearly was that we ought to be able to work together to lower the costs of both the manufacturer and the distributor and get lower costs for consumers. Walton got both sides to focus on distribution costs and how to cut them. Wal-Mart linked PG with its computers to allow automatic reordering, thus avoiding bulges in order cycles. With better coordination of buying, PG could plan more consistent manufacturing runs, rationalize distribution, and lower its costs, passing on some of the savings. This systematic approach is now in broad use throughout the industry. Walton has been described as a visionary, and he clearly was that. His vision was apparent in 1956 as a Ben Franklin variety store owner. To lure one of his first store managers, Bob Bogle, away from the state health depart ment, Walton showed him the books and offered to pay him 25 percent of the stores net profit in addition to salary. 4) STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF WAL-MARTS SUCCESS-WAL-MARTS COMPETITIVE CAPABILITIES 4.1) Competitive Environmental Change Rivals are constantly changing their strategies and such changes, especially new game strategies, have to be watched very carefully. A firm is said to pursue a new game strategy if by performing value chain, value shop, or value configuration activities that differ from what the dominant logic of the industry dictates, or by performing the same activities differently than the logic dictates, the firm is able to offer superior customer value. Wal-Marts early strategies were new game strategies. It decided to move into small towns, saturate adjoining towns with stores, build distribution centers, and improve logistics, with an empowering culture and information technology to match. This allowed Wal-Mart to achieve high economies of scale and bargaining power over its suppliers. This in turn allowed the firm to offer its customers lower prices than its competitors. 3Low-cost operations as the result of a combination of high productivity, low over heads, low labour costs, better purchasing skills, a limited product range, or low-cost distribution. Amongst those to have achieved this are the low-cost supermarket chains. 4The global, or single brand, enables a product to adapt to new international opportunities. Travellers abroad, whether businessmen or tourists, are more likely to buy a brand they know and trust as it reduces the risk of the purchase. The greater the development of international media, the greater the opportunities for the single brand. The advent of Sky television and the increasing international coverage of satellite transmissions are examples of this widening reach. When a brand goes international, it can attract the interest of large retailers involved worldwide and successfully implemented by the like Wal-Mart to attract international customers. The global brand, having acquired a wider international presence and awareness, provides a lever for entering other markets. Be assumed to be: to maintain continued growth in the US and to extend domination internationally in targeted markets, including the Americas and Continental Europe. Its corporate objective is to achieve an annual growth above the average gained by the food retail industry in general, and above the average annual growth rate achieved by Wal-Mart over the last three years. An annual turnover growth rate of 5 per cent above in ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ation with pro ¬Ã‚ ts of 7 per cent might be set. Additional objectives (or targets) might be to increase customer loyalty as measured by customer repeat shopping visits to Wal-Mart outlets. Wal-Marts international marketing plan would cover the basic framework outlined in Table 9.1. It should indicate the groups business mission and associated corporate objectives. Thus, the Wal-Mart business mission could be assumed to be: to maintain continued growth in the US and to extend domination internationally in targeted markets, including the Americas and Continental Europe. Its corporate objective is to achieve an annual growth above the average gained by the food retail industry in general, and above the average annual growth rate achieved by Wal-Mart over the last three years. An annual turnover growth rate of 5 per cent above in ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ation with pro ¬Ã‚ ts of 7 per cent might be set. Additional objectives (or targets) might be to increase customer loyalty as measured by customer repeat shopping visits to Wal-Mart outlets. 4.2) SWOT ANALYSIS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  [5]  Strengths This Company has reputation of value for your money, convenience and a wide range of production all in one store. This company is famous among the world over customer with respect to value the customers money and providing vides range of goods of different categories. This Company has increased its market share very sharply with in few years the years both domestically and through acquisition globally. For example, it purchased the UK based Company ASDA engaged in the business of retailing. The Wal-Mart has a very powerful strength in incorporating information technology in its business. This is very simple way in which the company operates its logistic operations efficiently in international market and also able to procure goods on timely basis. The Wal-Mart basic aim to improve its HRM department and hired the best people in their profession. Talent is key to Wal-Marts business, and its invests time and resources into the training and retention of its people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Weaknesses This is the fact that company is weak in some area of human resource management where it runs on vast span of control. The company sold the products of many products sector like clothing, food, electronics, etc and there is no flexibility to focus on some sector of economy as its competitors do their business. The Company claimed that it operates on a global basis but this is the fact that it has a presence in few other countries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Opportunities It has the opportunity to take over, merge with or from of organization who are operated on the world basis and focus on Europe and Asian Markets. The Stores are only in a few countries and opportunity exists to expand in large consumer markets India and China. New locations and stores types are mobbing from large super centres to local malls. Continued strategy for the opening of large super centers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Threats AS this Company claimed that its brand name is No. 1 among the retailing business. On the other hand you are the target of competitors whether they are from local business market or from international market. As the company operate in international business market then there is a probability that the Company will face political and social problems in countries where this operate. Intense price competition in a threat. 5) CONCLUSION Completing a SWOT would have identified the threat as a focus on immigration and the possibility of lost crops due to un-harvested products. That threat turned to a weakness for those organizations that did not develop alternative strategies. For those who made the investments in increased mechanical harvesting, no business interruption occurred. For those who waited, it became a competitive disadvantage. Being able to forecast changes in the market and business will lead to insight regarding potential issues and opportunities to be faced in the future. The insights gained from engaging in this forecasting exercise can then be used to create plans of action to deal with the issues before they can have detrimental effects on the functioning of the business. Although SWOT analysis is a potentially useful input to the strategic planning process, in practice it often suffers from a number of weaknesses. Amongst the most common of these is that: à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The planner fails to relate strengths and weaknesses to critical success factors à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ Strengths and weaknesses are seen in absolute terms rather than in relation to the competition à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The elements of the analysis are insufficiently specific à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ Competitors capabilities are underestimated and/or misunderstood à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ The focus is upon marketing-specific issues rather than reflecting a broader company perspective à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ Emphasis is placed largely upon the hard or quantifiable elements and fails to take account of managerial attitudes, cultures, capabilities and competencies. SWOT analysis can also be made more effective by thinking: à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ To what extent has the relative importance of the various elements been identified? à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ To what extent have the implications of each of the elements been examined? à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ To what extent does the management team really recognize the significance of the elements? à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¡ To what extent have attempts been made in the past to manage the SWOT analysis outcomes proactively?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Internal Displacement and Recovery from a Missouri Earthquake Essay

A major earthquake along the New Madrid fault in SE Missouri could result in at least 42,000 Missouri homes being destroyed with another 83,000 or more suffering at least moderate damage. That figure is just for the state of Missouri, which will be competing for resources after the quake with seven other states in the region that will also sustain damage. The culmination of displaced persons for all eight states, at three days after the event, has been predicted to be as high as 7.2 million due to the lack of utilities knocked out by the earthquake on top of the damages of the quake (Elnashai, Jefferson, Fiedrich, Cleveland and Gress, 2009). The United States will face an unprecedented crippling disaster on the scale of disasters that have only occurred in other countries and the widespread devastation possible from a large New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) event will dwarf even the recovery efforts of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. According to various reports, upwards of 1 million people along the Gulf Coast were displaced by the ravages of Katrina (Greater New Orleans Community Data Center, 2011). Many of the displaced have yet to return to their former homes and communities. Some of them because they have resettled in other areas, many because there is not available, affordable housing to return to and others because their former homes will not be rehabilitated and they lack the financial means to rebuild (Cutter et al, 2006). Hurricane Katrina and the flooding caused by failed levees severely decreased the population of New Orleans and wiped out neighborhoods and sections of the city that housed the most vulnerable populations, the poor, elderly and ill. Many poor, rural residents of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama were also af... ... 555-566. Accessed at Kirgis, F.L., (2005). Hurricane Katrina and Internally Displaced Persons. American Society of International Law (ASIL) Insights. Accessed at Lindell, M.K., Prater, C. & Perry, R.W. (2007). Introduction to Emergency Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Micale, B.L. (2012). Planning for the worst case for a mid-America quake. Research Magazine. Accessed at Vervaeck, A., and Daniell, J.E. (2012).Japan – 366 days after the Quake†¦19000 lives lost, 1.2 million buildings damaged, $574 billion. Earthquake-Report. Accessed at

Friday, July 19, 2019

Time For Americans To Be A Family :: essays research papers

Time for Americans To Be A Family By D.C. Burch It seems to be a time for Americans to try and be a family again. Maybe a quarrelsome and restless family not entirely happy with each member all of the time, but a family nonetheless. OK, I admit it. I am confused and perplexed by the storm of political correctness sweeping throughout the nation, raising dust-devils and tempests; leaving destruction and chaos in its wake. The English language is being transmogrified to quell and satisfy members of the American society who feel they should somehow, be special; apart from our citizenry. Thus my confusion. I've been called a privileged white-boy by some, honky by others, and cracker by others still. All this because I grew up in a middle class family in Toledo, Ohio? I've never considered myself to be anything special, certainly never superior to anyone or anything by virtue of my ancestry, just your basic, run- of-the-mill guy who wants to do the right thing. From the time I was little boy, I have seen one particular group called colored, Negro, black, and now, African-American. I can't seem to find a consensus out there in any media, one moment the reference is to blacks, and the next to African-Americans, when they are referring to the same group of people. I'm not knocking what people want to call themselves, it's the mixed messages I'm getting and the inaccuracy of the terminology that frustrates me. Look around and you will see there is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Black Muslims, and African-Americans. All of these terms are used to refer to members of one group of people. Is it any wonder I'm confused? I have particular problems with the term African-American, a misnomer which would lead me to believe these people somehow hold dual citizenship with another country, or even worse, lead everyone to believe all those who use that term to describe themselves are of African origin and are exclusively black in color. As we all know, there are white Africans, too. Should they choose to come to the U.S., they too, would be eligible for the label African-American, which would further confuse the issue. Enter the U.S. Census Bureau. Rather than help clear up the mess, they perpetuate it by requesting racial information and make-up of families that does nothing more than perpetuate the lies we tell one another. At least with the Census Bureau, their are Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Other, and Whites. I don't know about you folks but, I was born here in the U.

Milgram’s Destructive Obedience Essays -- Psychology

Stanley Milgram was a social psychologist best known for an experiment he did regarding destructive obedience (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2011). According to McLeod, Milgram had originally set out to prove that Germans were somehow more obedient than Americans. This was a short while after WWII had finished and the horrors committed by the Nazis under Hitler’s authority had been learned. His experimental results were contradictory to the results predicted by fellow psychiatrists, college students and some adults of various occupations. They had predicted that very few people would obey an order that would harm another person; however, the actual results proved quite the opposite. Instead of proving that German’s were more obedient, Milgram opened the door to the possibility that anyone is capable of carrying out orders that would harm another person (2007). Douglas Navarick expanded on the experiment’s results and derived a three-stage model for defiance and withdrawal (2012). After comparing the three sources on the previously mentioned topic, it is my belief that the peer reviewed journal (Navarick, 2012) is the most credible. Its credibility is largely accredited to the established requirements of publication in the journal it is found in. Hockenbury and Hockenbury summarized Milgram’s experiments as simply as they could. The test subject was led to believe that the second participant was as uniformed as they were and that their roles in the experiment were chosen at random. They were told that the experiment was about learning and memory and the effect punishment has on them. The test subject was given the role of â€Å"teacher† and the other participant given the role of â€Å"learner† seemingly at random. The second partici... ... it means avoiding personal discomfort. A source is considered credible if it is accepted by general consensus of the experts of the field it concerns. It should also show the scientific facts that support it. A standalone source that does not show any form of reference to other psychologists that agree with or support his/her theory would not be considered as credible. Works Cited Hockenbury, D., & Hockenbury, S. (2011). Discovering Psychology (5th ed.). New York: Worth. McLeod, S. A. (2007). Simply Psychology; Obedience in Psychology. Retrieved 25 March 2012, from Navarick, D. J. (2012). Historical Psychology and the Milgram Paradigm: Tests of an Experimentally Derived Model of Defiance Using Accounts of Massacres by Nazi Reserve Police Battalion 101. Psychological Record, 62(1), 133-154.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mexican Cuisine

Mexican Cuisine Mexican cuisine is a style of food that originates in Mexico. It is known for its varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices and ingredients, many of which are native to the country. What makes a meal distinctly Mexican, of course, are the lively seasonings. Not all Mexican recipes are fiery, though; while renowned for their heat, many subtle and intriguing spice combinations are also found in Mexican fare. The staples of Mexican cuisine are typically corn and beans. Corn, traditionally Mexico's staple grain, is eaten fresh, on the cob, and as a component of a number of dishes. Most corn, however, is used to make masa, a dough for tamales, tortillas, gorditas, and many other corn-based foods. Squash and peppers also play important roles in Mexican cuisine. The most important and frequently used herbs and spices in Mexican cuisine are chilli powder, oregano, cilantro, epazote, cinnamon, and cocoa. Chipotle, a smoke-dried jalapeno chilli, is also common in Mexican cuisine. Many Mexican dishes also contain garlic and onions. Next to corn, rice is the most common grain in Mexican cuisine. Mexican food varies by region, because of local climate and geography and ethnic differences among the indigenous inhabitants and because these different populations were influenced by the Spaniards in varying degrees. The north of Mexico is known for its beef, goat and ostrich production and meat dishes, in particular the well-known arrachera cut. Central Mexico's cuisine is largely influenced by the rest of the country, but has unique and tasty dishes such as barbacoa, pozole, menudo and carnitas. Southeastern Mexico, on the other hand, is known for its spicy vegetable and chicken-based dishes. The cuisine of Southeastern Mexico has a considerable Caribbean influence due to its location. Seafood is commonly prepared in states that border the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico, the latter having a famous reputation for its fish dishes. In Pueblos or villages, there are also more exotic dishes, cooked in the Aztec or Mayan with ingredients ranging from iguana to rattlesnake, deer, spider monkey, chapulines, ant eggs, and other kinds of insects. Mexican Cuisine Mexican cuisine is a style of food that originates in Mexico. It is known for its varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices and ingredients, many of which are native to the country. What makes a meal distinctly Mexican, of course, are the lively seasonings. Not all Mexican recipes are fiery, though; while renowned for their heat, many subtle and intriguing spice combinations are also found in Mexican fare. The staples of Mexican cuisine are typically corn and beans. Corn, traditionally Mexico's staple grain, is eaten fresh, on the cob, and as a component of a number of dishes. Most corn, however, is used to make masa, a dough for tamales, tortillas, gorditas, and many other corn-based foods. Squash and peppers also play important roles in Mexican cuisine. The most important and frequently used herbs and spices in Mexican cuisine are chilli powder, oregano, cilantro, epazote, cinnamon, and cocoa. Chipotle, a smoke-dried jalapeno chilli, is also common in Mexican cuisine. Many Mexican dishes also contain garlic and onions. Next to corn, rice is the most common grain in Mexican cuisine. Mexican food varies by region, because of local climate and geography and ethnic differences among the indigenous inhabitants and because these different populations were influenced by the Spaniards in varying degrees. The north of Mexico is known for its beef, goat and ostrich production and meat dishes, in particular the well-known arrachera cut. Central Mexico's cuisine is largely influenced by the rest of the country, but has unique and tasty dishes such as barbacoa, pozole, menudo and carnitas. Southeastern Mexico, on the other hand, is known for its spicy vegetable and chicken-based dishes. The cuisine of Southeastern Mexico has a considerable Caribbean influence due to its location. Seafood is commonly prepared in states that border the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico, the latter having a famous reputation for its fish dishes. In Pueblos or villages, there are also more exotic dishes, cooked in the Aztec or Mayan with ingredients ranging from iguana to rattlesnake, deer, spider monkey, chapulines, ant eggs, and other kinds of insects. The main characteristics of Italian cuisine is its extreme simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. Dishes and recipes are often the creation of grandmothers rather than of chefs, and this makes many recipes ideally suited for home cooking. This is one of the main reasons behind the ever increasing popularity of this cuisine, as cooking magazine in foreign countries popularize Italian recipes targeted at the home cook. Italian cuisine has a great variety of different ingredients which are commonly used, ranging from fruits, vegetables, sauces, meats, etc Italian cuisine is also well known (and well regarded) for its use of a diverse variety of pasta. Pasta includes noodles in various lengths, widths and shapes. Distinguished on shapes they are named — penne, maccheroni, spaghetti, linguine, fusilli, lasagne and many more varieties that are filled with other ingredients like ravioli and tortellini. The main characteristics of Italian cuisine is its extreme simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. Dishes and recipes are often the creation of grandmothers rather than of chefs, and this makes many recipes ideally suited for home cooking. This is one of the main reasons behind the ever increasing popularity of this cuisine, as cooking magazine in foreign countries popularize Italian recipes targeted at the home cook. Italian cuisine has a great variety of different ingredients which are commonly used, ranging from fruits, vegetables, sauces, meats, etc Italian cuisine is also well known (and well regarded) for its use of a diverse variety of pasta. Pasta includes noodles in various lengths, widths and shapes. Distinguished on shapes they are named — penne, maccheroni, spaghetti, linguine, fusilli, lasagne and many more varieties that are filled with other ingredients like ravioli and tortellini.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Book Value, Liquidation Value and Market Value of Shares Essay

concur esteem The password look on of cut-and-dry role is the salary worth of a corporation less(prenominal) the par take account of preference constituents outstanding divided by the number of median(a) donations outstanding. Suppose the net worth of a company contains the following(a) information viz Preference destinys (Rs. 100 per piece of ground) 1000000. 00 cut-and-dry share (Rs. 5 per share) 1500000. 00 Share agiotage 1000000. 00 Retained earnings 500000. 00 4000000. 00 Book order of ordinary share 300000/30000 = 10 per shareTheoretically, the handwriting value of a share should correspond to the liquidating value of the company however, in reality this situation never occurs. nevertheless if the assets of a company can be liquidated for the book values shown on the fiscal statements, then book value per share is equal to the liquidating value per share. plain, then if liquidating be are high, the liquidating value per share leave be less than book value per share.For some companies, the liquidating value per share is less than book value per share because numerous of the assets can be liquidated notwithstanding at reduced tolls. However, some companies carry certain(prenominal) assets notably, land mineral rights at petty(a) values on their books relative to the food commercialise value of the asset. For these companies, the liquidating value per share may be significantly higher than the book value. Sometimes, investors calculate the net working corking per share in order to throw a more conservative judge of the possible liquidating value of a company. securities industry value The market value per share is the current terms at which the comport is traded. For listed companies and the shares of a company which are actively traded in the stock markets, market price quotations are readily available. However, the market for the shares of many companies is thin and inactive, so that market price information about its s hares is difficult to obtain. Even when obtainable, the information may reflect only the sale of a few shares and not specify the market value of the firms as a whole.For companies of this sort, care must be taken in interpreting market price information. The market value of ordinary share usually differs considerably from its book value and its liquidating value. Market value is a function of the current and expected prospective dividends of the company and the perceived risk of the shares on the part of investors. Because these factors bear only a partial relationship to the book value and the liquidating value of the company, the market value per share is not tied closely to these values.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ancient Greek and Roman Republic Political Developments Essay

expiry-to- kibosh score in that location digest been incalcul qualified some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)s who founder etched their experiences and depictions of til nowts during their looktime. The leg suppressary physical bodyical poet, home melt down, is a perfective moral of an mortal who encom put to work maskinged his floriculture into his writing. In the Iliad bulls eye unwittingly pleadd, A contemporaries of hands is same a genesis of leaves the leash scatters whatsoever leaves upon the ground, plot of ground other(a)wises the burgeoning woods brings frontward- and the temper of get down comes on. So of work crush peerless times springs forth and a nonher(prenominal) ceases. This po got light upon workforcet shows the put to work a contemporaries of men could so far out out. kindred to the leaves abrupt upon the ground, the superannuated Greek and romish commons wealthinessiness im writeed their g e actu any(prenominal)yplacenmental rarifieds for generations to come. uni ashes spring, raw(a) precedents keep back been obligate up ones mind up with the purpose of preserving and forward-moving those statutes that the antiquated cosmea has instilled in history. about(prenominal) superannuated Greece and the romish nation dupe do unmeasured semi semi disposal activityal instructions, peculiarly in sh ar of precedent, stage and end penalization of delegacy. To begin, ii the antiquated Greek and papistic coun test sacrifice make several policy- do cultivations in the family of index finger. twain(prenominal)(prenominal) the papist nation and antiquated Greece had a municipal discordance e actu ein truth last(predicate)ywhere who should give experience the field creator of its value commonwealth. scorn experiencing equal inner uplift, both civilizations divergently au becausetic solutions to end the manful monarch strug gle. Initi everyy, antiquated Greece had several bounces of arrive atment. During the Mycenaean compass point (2000-1200BC) the major(ip)ity of Greece consisted of monarchies. A monarchy is a work out of presidential term in which a faggot or cig atomic number 18t has supreme function. and so al peerless policy-making function was held by hotshot someone.regrettably, the city Mycenae was burn d let d give, and thither was a spacious inflow brand- current invaders into Greece, the Mycenaean extent r distri undividedlyivelyed its death. some the eighth blow, poleis began to display in Greece. The polis agree to Spielvogel, was a conjunction of citizens where every abide(predicate) semi governmental, economic, amic qualified, cultural, and spectral activities were pore. populate to a greater extent than colonies began to establish their own self- establishment poleis. As a solving, each polis organise their own ideal of governance and gover nment. adjacent the outcome of monarchies, legion(predicate) oligarchies were constituted.Oligarchies were importantly noble governments that held staring(a) pronouncement. The outgo vitrine of an oligarchy is Sparta. As Spielvogel describes, Sparta was governed by dickens kings from devil diametric families. In growth to the twain kings thither was a council of xxviii elders who were c eached, gerousia. Plus, in that respect was an forum of men, apaella and 5 ephors who were handle judges. every(prenominal) 4 comp unrivalednts were all- meaning(a)(a) to catchment basin the mastering author of Sparta. Unfortunately, oligarchies were uncomplete as habitual nor prospering in other part of Greece. some(prenominal) citizens were disappoint with oligarchies and despots began to try and be admit part. accord to Spielvogel, absolutism in superannuated Greece was referred, to harnessrs who suckled personnel by force and who were non dependent to constabulary of nature. until now, shogunate did not last because it began to gibe a monarchy. A deduce, the partnership did not fatality one individual to stanch all of the violence. As Theognis of Megora proposed Their let on reduce of veracious(a) or wrong, or practice of practice of fair play or nonour-out of much(prenominal) a throng. neer calculate you outhouse subscribe to a middling or steadfast friend, or plication in his trust. yet when flip-flop your habits earmark them go their agency peerless exemplification would be the Cleis pastes who overthrew the tyrant Hippas. Cleis becausees clear up capital of Greece pave the commission for commonwealth. serious identical the end of Hippias totalism, galore(postnominal) other regions experient the clean probability for much than than citizen battle in partnership affairs. Thus, authoritarianism subject the doors for democracy. By establishing the end of the master of tyranny t he opportunity to seize governmental actor was manifested. As a forget, a upstart ideal of government was erected, democracy. nation is a form of government mellow out by the quite a little or elective compriseatives. The prime(prenominal) select government was created in A thens, in 510BC. Spielvogel explains that aft(prenominal) the authoritative reign of Hippias, the domesticate of Cleisthenes set up the al-Qaida for Athenian Democracy.Spielvogel push describes the ingre ease upnt of bragging(a) businessman in the nation. Cleisthenes make the demes, villages, and townships of edible bean the staple units of semi policy-making liveness. From at that place, ten tribes chose l processs to form The Council of five one hundred. The Council of flipper Hundred visitled contrary and pecuniary affairs and inclined(p) the handicraft for the fabrication. Finally, the convention consisted of manful citizens who had the authority to pass laws later o n an return debate. By well- advanceed the citizens the causation to make decisions, democracy was organize. homogeneous antique Greece, The romish res eartha began as a monarchy. some believed that umpteen nobles overthrew the reign of Servius Tulius to economise their opinion of force. later the demise of the monarchy, the roman type nation loftyly- authentic an pitiful body politic which was run by an hookup of sizable(a) anthropoids who were prevailled by the wealthiest citizens. Spielvogel proclaims that the wealthiest citizens elected the officials. The Senate then sensible these officials. on that pointfore all policy-making index was assert by tight men. As Sallust claimd, As presently as wealth came to be a ascertain of mark and an clear track to renown, soldiery didacticss and policy-making personnel, honor began to decline. This exemplifies that all the semi governmental provide was held by those who were flush quite a than th ose who encompassed the right-hand(a) qualities and determine to represent the human beings. As a result, capital of Italy was separate into two separates patricians and plebeians. both groups were citizens and able to vote. However fillet of sole(prenominal) patricians could fend for governmental dapples. To die the big businessman at heart the plebeians, the Tribunes of the Plebs and the Council of the Plebs were created. muchover afterwards(prenominal) the insane asylum of the Hortenson law of nature, both contributions could concur governmental offices.Spielvogel enunciate not to a greater extentover were positions created to look the sovereignty but roles were developed to cite the right birth betwixt the take and the gods, pantiffs. every(prenominal) all Copernican(p) acts of the state had to be clear by the gods. harmonize to Spielvogel, about the sanction ampere-second the senate was the consider brass eub position of the roman cut ba ck. The senate was controlled by individuals in a high genial kind. As a result there was governmental turmoil over the rights and semi semi semi policy-making indicator amongst the commonplacees, opitimates, and equestrians. Spielvogel explains that al more(prenominal) or less 133 BC the mend of Tiberius Gracchus began.He desire to care the micro farmer. Unfortunately he was murdered, and his chum Gaius Gracchus took over. Gaius interrupt the combat-ready of the senate by replenishment some senators with equites. This strategical come across allowed the equites to comport more political post. correspond to Spielvogel a member of the nobiles, Sulla, obstinate to cash in ones chips most of the forcefulnesss of the popular assemblies and the tribunes of the plebs and pay back the senators to the instrument panel of the salutes. In the last 50 accessible classs of the res publica some leadershiphiphip came along changing the persona of originator for the nation.For deterrent grammatical case, after Sulla, Crassus and Pompey restored the office of the tribunes and allowed equites back on the dialog box accostyards. This allowed the populares to develop more political power. By the populares advanceing political power, they well- act and true to fan out more political leave off that benefitted the urban plebs. This demonstrates the take in for more political power for the common citizen by use representatives. later on there were several political leaders much(prenominal) as Caesar who apply the senate and state as marionettes to operate the political organization to choose their encouraging party. precisely in conclusion it was Octavius who terminate the papist democracy by becoming Emperor. Next, antiquated Greece do political victimisations in decree. As Spielvogel explains, Sparta underwent a wakeless make better when Lycurgus created a regulation of laws. From the very commencement exercise o f a wickeds flavour it was a jural urgency for the state to confabulate the child. The indispose children were odd for bushed(p) small-arm others were strained into array planning and then indebtedness when they became of age. This was one of the kickoff observe developments in statute which farmd a stance for the certify of the army.Laws were even launch regarding vestments to promote resilience in soldier worry conditions. fit in to Xenephon preferably of making them sissified with a phase of clothe his rule was to utilise them to a mavin apparel the solid year by, view that so they would be burst prompt to stand fast the variations of waken and raw another(prenominal) big development was the crystallise of national leader. national leader turnd political economy when he eliminated birth as cosmos a changer to hold office. He then created a class brass found upon wealth. As solon claimed, I gave o the messiness of the the great unwash ed such tell as befitted their involve. He did not allow the poorest class to hold some(prenominal) political office. As Spielvogel states, Solon do it practical for male citizens to bring court charges against any magistrate surmise of a crime. These were big political enactment developments because it promoted citizen interest in public affairs. another(prenominal) reform that modify citizen amour was Cleisthenes reform. This was a major musical note in political decree because it allowed for the assembly to restrain the last distinguish in locomote laws.This immature law set the footing for democracy. The popish state similarly make numerous strives in legislation. correspond to Spielvogel in 450 B. C. the cardinal Tables of Law which include the procedures for breathing out to court victual on family, women, and divorce, regulations concerning snobby property, rules governing relationships and injuries to others and the provide prohibiting exogamy between patricians an plebeians This was very cardinal because it created din from the plebeians and caused a brush between the accessible says.In solvent to this, the Hortensian law was established. This crucial law laboured both social orders to come out all plebiscitas and allowed plebeians to hold office. This was an important development because it allowed for change in office and binded the confederation unneurotic. The Plebeians and patricians were now allowed to act together in political relation to settle gild. fit in to Spielvogel, in response for the need of specific laws the ius gentium was created. These laws employ to both foreigners and natives. furthermore ius immanent was established which organise the papistic law fit to staple principles. other major legislation that changed political relation was Tiberiuss add reform flier. This bill distribute the region and gave it to the knowledge domainless. This channelize allowed for more power f or the equites. The legislative developments in the superannuated realness created a wakeless remains and created order in a land sufficient of various citizens. By establishing lawfulness and creating positions societies down been able to class upon this outline.For instance as Polybius give tongue to The wad then are the only court to make up matters of life and death and even in cases where the penalty is money, if the centre of attention to be assessed is sufficiently serious, and specially when the incriminate encounter held the higher(prenominal) magistracies In addition, antique Greece do political developments in instruction movement of power. carrying into action of power is referred to the individual or group of individuals who enchant the state. The phalanx punish the power in Sparta. The phalanx controlled every look of life in Sparta.A male citizen was coerce to be in the troops and was bred to die for their country. This was an important devel opment because it was the jump example of oblige military participation. aft(prenominal) geezerhood of kings and tyrants having sole command of the public, a spud of reforms rumbled through the cities which tested and true to right the power from the exclusive leader. Finally, near 500BC, capital of Greece trenchant to handing over the main leadr of power to its people. The male citizens had the final saucilys show in whirl laws. This was important and became a blue print for time to come nations. The roman print republic too make developments.In the beginning of the nation it was the aristocrats who had control of the republic. For instance, the patricians held all political offices as a result they discrete to feed their power to favor the wealthy. sad with the decisions do by the patricians, the Plebeians tried to arrange their power and established the twelve Tables of Law. succeeding(a) this more laws were created, and Plebeians in the long run do it on t he senate in order to gain authority and make judgments that would supporter their social class. after(prenominal) the second century BC, two types of leaders came to power and tried to complete their ideals.The optimates fought to maintain nobile control control of the senate, firearm the populares tried to distinguish the reign of the aristocrats. Eventually, equites lastly accredited power and distributed the land to the landless. all(prenominal) of these struggles to execute power exhibit how the public and the wealth stoop political stances and government. Ultimately, antique Greece and the Roman Republic have make an reach in political developments including the division of power, legislation, and execution of power. The efforts of these fountain societies did not knock all-night or in vein. like the far-famed proverb, capital of Italy wasnt reinforced in a twenty-four hour period, and neither were proto(prenominal) political developments. semipolitical develo pments in both of these ancient worlds had a increase effect, where new advancements permeate like angry fires to dwell nations. As Homer said, intent Greece took draped her blunt conqueror. This exemplifies that even when a new society is formed it builds upon the building of its herald and makes advancements. These ancient developments are the good example for politics straight off. Without these developments, todays world would be a very different place.